It’s a nightmare situation, you’ve saved for many years and managed to build up some sizeable personal savings. A company approaches you to advise you how best to generate further income from your capital, they advise you to invest in a particular product or scheme and then the worst imaginable situation infolds, the product underperforms, collapses or generates no profit. Thousands of people have been put in this position by banks, independent financial advisors and investment sales agents without being informed of all of the risks this serious financial decision carries. This is investment mis-selling.
Whilst losing hard earned savings can feel overwhelming there is hope. There are well established frameworks to reclaim lost funds if you were mis-sold an investment products and not informed of all of the risks. If you have a reason to believe you were mis-sold an investment product then arranging an assessment of your situation is the first place to start.
Other Types of Claims We Can Assist With
We can deal with a wide range of consumer claims here is a summary of the most common types:
- Mis-sold Financial Products
- Mis-sold Legal Products
- Mercedes Emissions Claims
- Flight Delays
- Data Protection Breaches
- Conflict of Interest Breaches